Yoga is different

How Yoga is different from other forms of exercise

People often ask me how Yoga is different from other forms of exercise. Firstly, human body is designed to be active. Also, most of the health issues we face in life are caused by the current lifestyle. Our work demands that we sit continuously for several hours a day or repeat a motion several hours a day. When our work is over, we take refuge in front of the tv, laptop or phone, which again only is a sedentary activity. This is the main cause for the ailments faced by modern population. Combined with this are our food habits, which goes toward quick to do things, which provide off balanced nutrition. Net is we see more premature issues in our health.

other forms of exercise

It is better to any form of exercise than doing nothing. But Yoga has a special place. Most of the workouts focus on certain aspects of human body. Yoga is among the few of the practices that provide holistic benefit. Weight training builds and structures muscles. If that is your goal that is the right form of exercise for you. But also note there will be limitations on who can do this. Weight training also sacrifices flexibility to build muscle mass. If endurance is your goal you should take up running or long-distance walking. Running while providing benefits also can cause injuries in knees and back. Running mainly improves cardiovascular system and Again, there are limitations on who can take up running. Walking is something everyone can do. At the minimum people should do this to ensure they maintain a healthy body.

Yoga is a form of practice that provides avenues for people to meet various goals. It improves breathing, cardiovascular system, bones and joints, ligaments, and all vital internal organs.

Yoga is Different: It Reduces Anxiety

Yoga also helps people calm down and reduces anxiety. When done right yoga is also a therapy for various ailments. The multitude of benefits people get from practicing yoga makes it unique in the field of wellness. You can achieve more of your health goals by practicing yoga, may it be losing weight, toning your body, improving flexibility, endurance, rehabilitation after an injury, improving breath capacity.

There is no age limit on when you can start yoga. Monad has helped people achieve their goals for more than 5 years now. Whatever your goal may be reach out to use. We will help you achieve it.

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