Can regular practice of yoga boost immunity?

Can regular practice of yoga boost immunity?

“Where is the delusion when truth is known? Where is the disease when the mind is clear? And where is death when the Breath is controlled? Therefore, surrender to Yoga.”  – Sri Krishnamacharya

Why is it important to build up your immunity in times like this? Because there are different viruses that can enter our body at any given moment. Every day, we’re prone to colds, coughs, stomach aches and many other illnesses, including the novel coronavirus. Our immune system fights infection and reduces the risk of common sicknesses. However, stress, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, and unhealthy sleep patterns all lead to a weak immune system and makes us susceptible to diseases like coronavirus.

And it brings us to the next question: can regular practice of yoga boost immunity?

Yes! Yoga is considered one of the most effective natural immunity boosters that can lead to a healthy life. Regular practice of yoga has shown effective results in maintaining a healthy immune system. To begin with, yoga lowers stress hormones, strengthens the nervous system and removes toxins from the body. Sleep is one of the most important factors in healing and yoga calms the mind and regulates sleep.

Will yoga help during the COVID-19?

The answer is yes, it will certainly help in reducing the incidence of infectious ailments including COVID-19 by building your immunity and conditioning the nasal and bronchial passages. It will also help in managing and handling the long-term effects some of the COVID-19 patients face. It also stimulates the lymphatic system, thereby removing toxins from the body. Another major benefit is that practising yoga ensures proper circulation of oxygenated blood to our organs thereby ensuring their optimal function.

Yoga to boost immunity

Immunity develops through a process. The process consists of Shodhana (Purification of Naadis), Brahmana (Energizing the cells) and Langhana (Calming the mind and balancing hormones). One achieves the ability to fight infection by following the above process which is accomplished through various yogic practices.

Yoga’s benefits don’t stop with asanas

At In times like this, it is important to focus on the areas of the body that fall directly under threat: the nasal and bronchial passages. The best way to maximize one’s breathing capacity is through pranayama. Finally, meditation aids in de-stressing the body and mind. Research shows that meditation decreases cortisol levels and promotes better health.

Some Yoga asanas that benefit lungs

Apana Yoga asanas build the body’s core strength, boost energy levels, bring down stress, and condition the lungs and respiratory tract. For example, if you have a bronchial congestion, then asanas like Ustrasana, Gomukhasana, Veerabhadrasana, Chakravagasana, Dvipada Pitham and Bhujangasana open the chest and prevent pneumonia and other diseases


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